Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday at George & Tonya's House

We had another family get-together at George and Tonya's place. Tonya's twin sister, Tina, and their younger sister Melissa were there, too!

Here's Evie holding Tina's new baby, Jordan, sitting beside Melissa.

Melissa's husband, John, is on the end; sitting beside Karen, Scott, and Madison.
My dad and Uncle Jimmy are on the right.

The kids played and ate outside on the deck. George was manning the grill. There's Laura leaning over the railing---don't fall! :) Shelby is at the table, while Savanah watched Harley (Melissa's daughter) and Alexa on the riding toy. Are you following the family tree?? :)

Dad & Uncle Jimmy

Tina let Evie hold Jordan. These are my favorite pictures from the day!

Scott and I stayed after everyone else bailed. We got to visit with Tina and Tonya (and their families) for a couple of extra hours.
Around the table: Tonya, George, Jeremy & Tina
I somehow managed to NOT get a single picture of Jeremy & Tina's older son, Jason. I don't know how I did that; you can click on the Arnall link on the right and see tons of cute pics!

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