Sunday, November 07, 2010

Evie's big performance

Little Lambs Choir performed at church today. Here is the video.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

We took the kids to the zoo for Boo at the Zoo. Here is our crew of skeleton, princess and Minnie Mouse.

Hydro Excavation

Here are some photo's where they had to dig up the main supply line to the house. They use a process called hydro excavation which involves a large vacuum and high pressure water. The water breaks the earth apart and then it is sucked into the truck through the long trunk that you see in the pictures.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

When I protest

No, this is not something from the Adam's family. This is how Madison protests when she is not happy.

More Snickers


Well, after many years we have a new addition to our family.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Camping 2010 part 3

Photo's of the campsite

Our tent

The other side of our camping site where we ate.

Camping 2010 part 2

More camping photos

As you can see, Evie was a bit tired.

Evie helping to cut firewood

Jared was examining some of the dead wood and bark.

The old campfire

Camping 2010

Camping 2010, Kid's 1st time to camp.

Jared cutting firewood

Insert pole into tent opening a, extend to opening B, attach pole C to pole Q.. Actually this goes together really easy. <5 min.

The start of putting up the tent

Camping Cutie

More tent fun

Monday, September 13, 2010

More 1st day pic's

1st Day of School

For the first day of school, Teresa took pic's of the kiddo's

More Birthday pic's

Madison's Birthday

Madison's 3rd Birthday party.