Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The "Click"

Every mom who has ever potty trained their child has heard about the proverbial "click." With Jared, I don't remember a click....I just remember that, over time, he got consistently better at making it to the potty until he was 100% done. No click.

Evie is a girl and, therefore, very different. There was a click!!! It happened on Saturday night at the dinner table with a profound statement, "Mommy, I have gassy poo-poo!" This is merely code for I passed gas; it can also mean that she has to go poop. I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she replied, "yes." About 30 minutes later she had peed in her little potty. You may ask why it took 30 minutes....that's the amount of time it takes her to stop freaking out and actually use the potty. She's been consistently going on the potty since Saturday night....with lots of freaking out! Evie doesn't want to go in her pull-up but she hasn't been too sure about the potty either. Today she said "hooray" after she pooped on the potty....maybe the freaking out is going away...or at least lessening. YAY!!!

1 comment:

Superchikk said...

That's awesome!