This morning I sat down with Jared and told him that Sebastian was really sick and had died last night. The following is a list of questions/conversations that have marked my day:
Right after I told him:Does he feel better?
Does Daddy know?
How do you know he died?
What do they do with dogs that die?
I want another
Can we get another dog and name him Sebastian?
Mid-morning in the car:Jared: I really care about Sebastian. I love him.
Jared: I want to name a stuffed animal Sebastian.
Mommy: Do you want a new stuffed dog?
Jared: No, I want to name something I already have.
This afternoon in the car:
Jared: How did Sebastian die?
Mommy: He had an owie inside that was bleeding and they couldn't find it.
Jared: Why couldn't they find it?
"Evie, do you miss Sebastian? Because he had an owie that bled a lot and they couldn't find it and he died. Do you miss him?"
In the car after school:
Mommy: Did you tell Miss Marla that Sebastian died?
Jared: Yes, she asked me if Sebastian was in Heaven.
Mommy: And...
Jared: I said, "No, he's in the ground."
a slight pause....
Jared: Mommy, is Sebastian with God in Heaven?
Mommy: No, dogs don't go to Heaven; only people go to Heaven when they die. Dogs stay in the ground.
Jared: How do they bury dogs?
Mommy: They did a hole, put the dog in it and cover it with dirt. (yes, I actually said that)
Jared: What do worms do to dogs?
Mommy: What?? Worms don't do anything to dogs.
Jared: What do worms eat?
Mommy: I don't know.
Tonight, when we said our prayers and I asked Jared what he wanted to pray for, he said: "I want to ask God to make Sebastian alive again because I miss him."
Yes, I am exhausted tonight from the endless, though intelligent, comments and questions about Sebastian. It's interesting to "see" Jared's mind at work.