Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just who's in charge around here anyway?

We were watching "Creation Proclaims" this morning (me, Scott, Jared & Evie) and discussing how God gave Adam dominion over the animals of the earth. I asked Jared, "Who's in charge at our house?"

His reply was priceless, not to mention accurate, "Daddy is, on the weekends, or when Mommy's asleep or gone for the day or not at home."

Friday, April 24, 2009

Painting Easter Eggs

The kids had fun painting eggs on Saturday. Really, there is nothing else to say! (thanks, Mom, for taking pictures!)

Okay, so maybe Madison didn't have much fun...

Ladybug Shoes

Evie's outfit was built entirely around those shoes! I picked them up on sale last year in Mansfield, OH, when James & Charity were visiting...Love 'em!

A ride in the Lowe's truck

Jared was over the moon when he got to ride in the Lowe's truck with Daddy. Scott had to rent one of their trucks to bring all of our new shower stuff home.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Code of Jared

Yesterday we read about Hammurabi during history. The Code of Hammurabi is the first written set of laws, that we know about. We decided it would be fun to create the Code of Jared today.

Here's what he came up with (I corrected only the spelling):

1. I should not have to do my school work
2. When I do not get a sticker I should get a surprise and when I do get a sticker I should get a surprise
3. Do bad and be ready to not share (the exact opposite of a Bible verse we learned recently)
4. If it is raining we should go play out to the yard
5. When I do something bad I should not lose a privilege

Just had to share!