Friday, December 18, 2009

Things I don't want to forget....

Update on Jared from December 17, 2009:

Financial freedom thought from the mind of Jared: Yesterday in the car he told me he wanted to slice his coins in half, doubling the number of coins. I told him I thought the federal gov't would be interested in such a proposal. He said, "I'll draw a picture and you can write a note. We'll send it to the federal go...vernment." Yep, true story....maybe my little boy will be Time's Man of the Year next time!

Jared is allowed to play in the gym's basketball court as long as there is an adult supervising. Today at the gym one of the workers told Jared he could play in the basketball court. Jared told her he could only play back there if there was a grown-up. She told him it would be okay because there weren't any other ki...ds back there. He told her he couldn't because HE DIDN'T WANT TO DISOBEY HIS MOMMY!!!!!!

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