Sunday, August 24, 2008

God is soooo Good

Church has been a constant challenge for our family for the past two years. First, Jared was a little pysical (to put it mildly) and struggled in the classroom environment. Then there was Evie, who cried the entire time she was in her class (from age 10 months to 12 months). Evie finally settled in, but Jared still had a hard time. So for the last two years we've only attended church for the first hour, during which Scott and I attended the worship service only. Well, Jared began doing better, and Madison became the challenge. Going through separation anxiety and crying the entire time she was in class became the norm a few weeks ago.

Last week we managed to get all three of our kids settled and stayed at church the whole morning....Today was even better! Scott and I attended Sunday School (and found a class we actually like this time) and then went to worship service. About 15 minutes before we would have been done at church, I decided to take a potty break, something that rarely happens. On my way to the bathroom I ran into someone from the Children's wing walking with Jared trying to find me. Apparently Jared was tired and said he missed his mommy....several times, to the point they decided to come find me.

God is soooo Good. The lady would have had a really hard time finding us, since Scott and I were sitting in the back section row that is against the wall---you can't see this section from the doors, so this lady would have looked a long time and probably have had to give up. I have prayed a lot about our family attending church and getting more out of Sunday morning than just childcare, and God has answered our prayers for two weeks in a row. Yay!

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