Thursday, August 28, 2008

What's the deal?

  • Jared (in the whiniest voice possible): "Mommy, I have to raise my hand to talk in Kindergarten. It's not fun."
  • Mommy: "It's not?"
  • Jared: "It's not fun to wait." (don't we all figure this out at some point??)

He repeated this conversation with Daddy tonight and he added another question, "What's the deal with Kindergarten?" :)

Well, that was his first day of Kindergarten. Yep, that's all the info we got.

1 comment:

The Snyder's said...

Tell the little man I still don't know and I've been there for 5 years.
But I do know it's lots of fun and I'm sure he will eventually come home and tell you lots more.