Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Birthday, Madison!

Okay, so it's a few days early. We couldn't pass up on the opportunity to celebrate with Granny and Poppy. I made a dirt cake for Madison in a cute pink flower pot...which will end up in her room as some sort of decoration (along with the green one).

We used Evie's beach blanket (a gift from Dena last year) as a chair cover.... very nice for easy clean-up.

She was already pretty cute eating her pudding, but she was down right irresistable when she licked the plate and covered herself with the messy dessert.

After a quick bath and change of clothes, Jared helped Madison open her gifts. She received a toy box from James & Charity, money from Granny & Poppy, a purse from Aunt Laura & family and a snuggle baby from us. A couple of gifts are en route, but we didn't want to wait until Thursday....

1 comment:

Edan said...

She has a gift on the way. Maybe it'll make it by her birthday. :-) Has it really been a year already?