Monday, August 25, 2008

Madi's Milestones

Since Madison's first birthday is quickly approaching, I thought a little update was due.

She has three teeth. This may not seem like much to most, but Evie didn't get her first tooth until she was 13 months old, so we're happy not to have waited that long again.

Madison took her first step three weeks ago, while Mrs. Johns was here (not that anyone saw the step but me!). Since then, she has consistently taken 5 steps before falling down and has successfully stood up a few times in the middle of the room without any props/assistance.

Lastly, she likes to wave "hello." On occasion she says "ahhhhh" as she waves, to mimic saying "hi." It's pretty cute, but she does not act on command. Mrs. Johns was here a whole week and we couldn't get Madison to cooperate even once.

1 comment:

Superchikk said...

Aw, that's so sweet. I can't believe she's about to be walking!

I love the waving "hello", too. We get "bye bye", but usually after the person has already left.