Sunday, May 04, 2008

A little more than expected while gardening

We had a little visitor in our flower bed this afternoon. The snake startled me--as it slithered out from underneath a plant that was less than a foot from my hand. Jared was excited, to say the least. Scott caught the little guy (obvious from the picture) and let it go in the woods behind our house.


Renae said...

It would be helpful to have a little aquarium handy for these occasions, now wouldn't it?

Superchikk said...

If it had been our family that found the snake, I would've had to have been the one to catch and release. Who am I kidding? Husband doesn't "garden" I would've done the finding, too. Ha!

Teresa said...

Yes, Renae, an aquarium would be fabulous. If I had one, we could have kept the snake and taken lots of pictures and then sent them to you in RANDOM order and requested a slide show set to Bindi's theme song!!! :) Couldn't resist.