Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cave Paintings

We're reading "The Story of the World" for our history curriculum. In chapter one, we are learning about nomads and the cave paintings they left behind. Well, we made a cave-like atmosphere by using my pantry hallway and taped up some brown paper...add a little washable paint and some imagination....

Jared painted a horse (coincidentally, that's the mammal we learned about in science today).

I painted a sun and stick-man, which Evie told me was "cool." The things that girl says!
Evie added her own blob.

" Don't worry, Daddy, Mommy already cleaned the walls." :)


Superchikk said...

Love it! Such a creative idea.

Suzie said...

That is so neat! I bet they will remember that when they grow up. You all are such fun parents!