Monday, September 18, 2006
Another Day at the Park
This One's for Aunt E
Little E is sporting a cute outfit from Aunt E's mom, Judy. I honestly didn't think she'd get to wear it.....nevermind that she's 10 1/2 months old in this pic and the outfit is size 6 months. We wore it the next day, too, just to make sure we got some use out of it. I think this cute outfit will last us through the fall and I'm glad....she's adorable in it!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Computer Savvy!
Two weeks ago Mommy showed J how to use the mouse. Since then, he has "painted" online and played numerous and games. I was amazed at how fast he picked up this new skill and even more amazed at how much he now likes to play with my laptop--he prefers playing on the computer over watching tv.
New House
Because of the living room's layout, we plan to block off the double doors with our entertainment center in the family room and book cases in the study.
Half-wall is necessary b/c there is a step down from the kitchen to the family room.
The pantry boasts 2 of these corner shelves. We plan to replace them with a straight wall-to-wall shelf system, allowing us to use all the space!
I'm thrilled to have a sink and cabinets in the laundry room!
The powder bath has a medicine cabinet/mirror, pedestal sink and nice fixtures. The wallpaper is coming down pronto....the floor tile is up for debate. I think it can stay if we paint the room an oatmeal color and accent with green and blue towels. Man of the house thinks it should go. We'll see!
There are 4 bedrooms upstairs. This is one of the 3 secondary bedrooms. This particular room will be E's and it shares a wall with the master bedroom. Master bath is below.
This is the kids' (& guest) bath. If you look closely, you can see little E's sweet feet.
Catching my breath and catching up!
Our second weekend in town.....we took Daddy to the zoo. 2/3 of participation isn't bad, is it?? :)
Riding the space shuttle at a local mall was a big hit with J.
The outfits change and so does the location, but the stroller is a staple in E's pics.
At the local zoo, snakes are a hit with J. Mommy took the kids to the local zoo our first week in town. We've been to the zoo at least 7 or 8 times and this plastic snake is the only one we've seen!! In J's mind going to the zoo means riding the train, carousel, boat and playing. Eventually we'll get to see all the animals....I think.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Ephesians 6:1
This is a Scripture we started talking about 2 days ago. Pretty quick, that boy of mine!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Last Night with our Fellow Spadesters! :(
Sunday, September 10, 2006
August Pics
I took J to the local children's museum for a last playdate before leaving town.
J's room was the first to be packed.
E had the nerve to leave town 2 days before me! Truth be told, I'm glad she left first and I got that good-bye out of the way. It was a hard week! :( I love you, E!!
This is about as much cooperation as I could get out of a toddler and baby! At least SHE got in the pic; I couldn't get J to stand there!
Our last Sunday at our home church. My friend and I laughed for a while---before the tears!
Yes, this OUR son playing in the dirt and having fun. I'm happy to report that J is overcoming his disgust for the dirt and learning to play outside! :)
Dinner with some friends before the big move!
Kids say the.....
We went to a local metro park today and spent 30 minutes on the hiking trail with the kiddos. We had fun and J shook "hands" with a weed and said "it's a pleasure to meet you." We walked around a large mud puddle and Daddy told J to be on the look out for more, so J yelled, "Mud, where are you?"
I realize I'm speaking about my kid and so this is funnier to me than to you, the reader. BUT, this last one was hilarious no matter who you are. J asked if he could hold Daddy's ball cap in the car on the way home. Daddy obliged and J immediately held it out by the cap's bill and asked for a quarter!!!!! :-) We have no idea where the pan-handling came from..... I offered to give him a quarter if he could tell me where he learned that trick---he said that mommy did it! Ha!