Sunday, September 10, 2006

August Pics

Maybe Penney's wasn't the best place to take a group photo! At least MY friend cooperated!
I took J to the local children's museum for a last playdate before leaving town.

J's room was the first to be packed.
E had the nerve to leave town 2 days before me! Truth be told, I'm glad she left first and I got that good-bye out of the way. It was a hard week! :( I love you, E!!
This is about as much cooperation as I could get out of a toddler and baby! At least SHE got in the pic; I couldn't get J to stand there!
Our last Sunday at our home church. My friend and I laughed for a while---before the tears!
Yes, this OUR son playing in the dirt and having fun. I'm happy to report that J is overcoming his disgust for the dirt and learning to play outside! :)

Dinner with some friends before the big move!

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