Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Graduating...sort of

It seems as though Jared has made such great progress in the last few weeks and is ready to "graduate" out of OT. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Last week his psychologist said we could scale back our weekly visits and today our OT said she thought he was ready to end our weekly OT sessions and focus on group settings. It's a little scary for me, but I'm excited for Jared. I have an IEP meeting at school in a couple of weeks and I'm super-anxious to get feedback from his teacher. He's doing so much better in one-on-one settings; I hope this has translated into better behavior in group settings, too. Looks like I'll be finding out in the coming weeks. Yikes!

1 comment:

The Snyder's said...

God is so GOOD- and so is Jared!