Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lost....the show, my time, sleep

Yes, I've lost time watching Lost. Watching wouldn't be so bad, but the reading is getting intense, too. I've been spending lots of time reading about my new favorite mystery. After I watch an episode, I get online and start reading about it and following all the rabbit trails. It's addictive, to say the least. Reading online has ruined much of the suspense for me, but I like it better this way. I'm the person who likes to watch suspense movies, but on mute....the music creeps me out and makes me nervous.

Another bad side effect of this new addiction?? Lost sleep. Right now it's 2:15 a.m. and I'm blogging because I just finished watching the first four episodes of season three (who could sleep now wondering about "the others?"). I hit a new low tonight and was reading about the show WHILE I was watching it. I just couldn't wait 15 minutes to find out that Eddie was an undercover cop, trying to bust a "farming" community.

I'm reminded of a message delivered at student camp in 2002 by David Nasser. I was a counselor that year, and he challenged all of us to fast from something for 40 days. During his message, he spoke about instant gratification and how our society advocates waiting for nothing. Everything is at our fingertips. Boy, was he right. What did I fast from that summer, you ask? The TV, of course. Maybe I should try that again.


Superchikk said...

Ooh, I loves me some LOST! I can't wait until it starts back up!

Glad to know there's someone else I can talk to about it!

The Snyder's said...

Ok- honestly I can't share ya'll's addiction for LOST. It makes me SO crazy because I am always feeling LOST. Is this now? Is this the future yet or past? I was intrigued at first and now I find my self getting so frustrated and asking questions (out loud) the whole time.

Perhaps I'm a surface watcher and not deep television watcher.