Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hand & Foot

Scott and I learned a fun (somewhat complex) card game called Hand and Foot while living in Texas. We spent many nights during 2002-2003 playing H&F with some good friends. I went through my old score book to see how the girls measured up with the guys. Turns out we were evenly matched. The girls won 13 games of H&F, compared to the guys' 14 wins. Not bad!

In case you don't know me very well (or at all), I have an invisible "A" permanently imprinted on my forehead. My old score pad is a 9x6 subject notebook I've had since my senior year of high school. It is COVERED in doodles and old phone numbers which I'm sure are disconnected/ changed by now. If you have EVER played a game (worth keeping score) at my house, there's a 99% chance I have evidence.

1 comment:

Superchikk said...


I have that "A" too, except mine demands that I throw things away. My score sheets are almost immediately sent to "file 13". English papers and class notes from college on the other hand...