Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tag....I'm it??

Well, Renae tagged me so I consider myself "it."

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

So, here are seven random/weird things about me:

1. I have fallen asleep while driving 3 times. The first time, I rear-ended a semi on the interstate while trying to pass him at 55 miles an hour. I fell asleep after changing lanes and woke up when I went "BUMP!" The driver didn't even pull over. Praise the Lord for early-80's Buicks that can stand up to anything. It was the morning after my high school graduation and I had stayed up the entire night at a school-sponsored lock-in. The second time, I side-swiped a guard rail about a mile from home...almost made it. I had to crawl out of my car from the passenger's door for a week or so until I got my car fixed (same Buick). Last time was as a married adult in 1998. We were driving to NC from the Atlanta airport. Scott was asleep and I dozed off and crossed 3 lanes of traffic...someone honked their horn and I jolted into gear again. Scott woke up andI played dumb. :) Thankfully no one (not even me) ever got hurt. I no longer drive when I'm tired.

2. I was bitten by a pitt-bull dog when I was 13. It was Coon Dog Day in my little teeny weeny hometown. We were at a cook-out at a friend's house. I sat down beside a friendly dog named Duke and said, "hi, puppy" and the dog bit me. Was he offended that I called him a puppy?? Thirteen stitches in my upper lip later, the dog was put to sleep. Very sad.

3. Around 1997/'98, I was "encouraged" by my boss at the time to join Toast Masters. TM is a speaking club that helps people in the business world speak better in public. I ended up mostly enjoying it....mostly.

4. I have a real fear of traveling out of the US. I hate the idea of being on foreign soil without my US Constitutional rights. Imagine my dismay when God called me and Scott to adoption and we traveled to Russia. Other than two separate day-trips to Canada I had not been out of the Country. We got stranded in France on our way home from our second trip to Russia. So, now I can add France to my travels. I think I'm done and I, once again, want to stay in the USA.

5. Scott and I met through a friend of mine that became Scott's college roommate. I would call to talk to my friend, Mike, and Scott often answered the phone. He would answer and I would say, "hi, Scott." His reply?? "Hold on, I'll get Mike." After months of these conversations, I finally asked him if he could at least be polite and say hi back to me. He said, "hi, hold on, I'll get Mike." That conversation took place 17 years ago.

6. I have not lived close to any family since I got married and moved away from home in 1992. I got married and immediately moved to Atlanta for 8 months (3 hours from family). We then spent 14 months in California. After that, 12 years in Texas. While in Texas, my parents moved to New Mexico (500 miles away) and my inlaws moved to southeast Texas (5 hours away). I now live in Ohio (500 miles away from my sister and relatives).

7. I hate doing things just because they are rules made by others. For example, my current church has a new membership class. You CANNOT join the church unless you take this class. That really got under my skin. I don't remember Jesus requiring completion of a class....After much turmoil and two calls to the church office, I relunctantly took the class. Scott stayed home with the kids and intended to take the class next time it was offered. After I took the class (only me) our FAMILY received a letter welcoming us to the church. I was totally offended. :) And, no, Scott never took the class.

In the same rebellious nature of item #7, I am 'offing' the last two rules. While I hope that my RR friends, Superchikk (who, as a new mother, has nothing but time on her hands--ha!), and Edan will see this and also take the survey, I do not wish to tag anyone.


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