Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Morning

Okay, so I spent yesterday cleaning up vomit all day. My 2 year old was sick and was sick in almost every room of the house, even in my van (you know, the 10 minutes she sat in it waiting for Jared to get home from school). She went to sleep early and easily last night and I hoped my troubles were over.

Fast forward to this morning....no vomit since yesterday afternoon! Yay!! I slept in this morning and decided to get up at 7 a.m. (a good 90 minutes past the norm). The baby was stirring so I brought her to my room so I could feed her and watch some news. At 7:30 the eldest two children arrived in my room. I undressed my baby and started to change her diaper....that's when it happened. I removed the soaked diaper and went to place a clean diaper under her bottom and she decided that was the right moment to let loose! She peed all over my bed, her legs and my pajamas.

Nevermind that I was wearing my last matching pajamas after yesterday's laundry fiasco due to vomit. Oh, did I mention that I just changed my sheets yesterday, too! Argh!!! Well, I'm off to do laundry -- probably enough to rival that of my dear friend Renae.

1 comment:

Superchikk said...

I do feel for you. But I am still sleeping on a futon mattress from our pee pee fiasco the other day. Not sure which I'd rather have - pee pee or vomit.