Thursday, November 29, 2007

My training potty doesn't have a five point harness.

It's true. My daughter's training potty doesn't have a five point harness. Do the makers of these potties believe that mommies have the luxury of standing beside the potty for endless minutes to ensure toddlers stay put?? My daughter realizes that while I'm nursing my baby I am unable to consistently enforce the command "sit on the potty," thus rendering me totally ineffective at potty training for the time being.

If the potty had a five point harness, my daughter could stand up and "carry" the potty around the room with her and I would have fewer accidents to clean up....sounds like a great idea to me!

1 comment:

Superchikk said...

I have a brother who was an escape artist - even with the 5-point harness, so not sure that would've done any good for him when he was potty training. Mom had to let him run around naked for a week or so. If he had undies on, he'd just "go" wherever he was. No undies to catch what came out, and he would go to the potty.